Welcome to IDC

The International Drycleaners Congress was formed in 1959 when forward-thinking professionals in the U.S.A. and Japan reached across the ocean in friendship, cooperation and professional goodwill. Since that time, members have traveled to dozens of countries together, explored technologies, reported on their own countries’ progress, and exchanged ideas. Any industry professional is eligible to join IDC, after pledging to uphold the values and ideals of the organization.
–– Chris Tebbs, Executive Director
In the News…
Convention 2020 Postponed, next convention still to be determined
Our plan was to hold our Convention in Melbourne, Australia, in conjunction with a national trade show and conference that was already scheduled. And then came Covid-19….
As a result, we are waiting to hear when the Australian Show and Conference might be held, and will then reschedule our event to coincide. Please check back for further information as it develops.