Current Convention Info
Our Next Convention Destinations
The Congress has begun to look at re-starting the Conventions.
Many members were very disappointed when the Convention in Melbourne Australia in 2021 was cancelled and Australia will once again be considered as a possibility in the early to mid-part of 2025.
However, considering the successful events when we joined with CINET in Paris and New Orleans, and, as it is essential that we get back to some form of gathering in 2024, IDC has agreed to be a co-host with CINET at the World Congress and Global Best Practice Awards in conjunction with TexCare International in Frankfurt on 8th/9th November. Whilst we hope that Members and Guests will take this opportunity to attend in person, if travel is not possible, there will be the opportunity to participate live on-line. For those attending, there will be additional available opportunities such as entrance to the exhibition and some business and cultural visits. Further details will be available in the next few weeks. Please check back for updated information.